Shop d="M190.5 66.9l22.2-22.2c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0L441 239c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L246.6 467.3c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0l-22.2-22.2c-9.5-9.5-9.3-25 .4-34.3L311.4 296H24c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24v-32c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h287.4L190.9 101.2c-9.8-9.3-10-24.8-.4-34.3z" > Black ops Airsoft BBs have been engineered to eliminate bubbles and flaws and have a triple polished finish to ensure flight consistency and eliminate breaks inside the gun. Biodegradable airsoft BBs from Black Ops have been rigorously tested in multiple variations of airsoft guns and by experienced players in varied climates and situations. data-product-id="65126">
aria-label="KWA Bio .25g Airsoft BB's - 5,000 Rounds,$25.95 Includes 10,000 per pack. { class="lazyload card-image"