4. Some faucet manufacturers have adopted a different approach to securing faucet handles. Now that you have the tools necessary for the job, you just need to know how to remove the faucet handles. Keep on twisting it in the same direction until it is removed. Step 4: Remove the faucet handle. Maybe you need to change a malfunctioning faucet cartridge or filter. You may also need to use pliers to help loosen or break off any rusted-on nuts. Before you remove the set screw, cover the drain to avoid losing the faucet screw if you drop it into the sink. Place an oven mitt over the end of the handle and use your other hand to hold onto the mitt and pull up on top of the faucet handle. Use your Allen wrench to remove this. First, be sure that the faucet is turned off and your hand is free. Faucet Flow Rates: Average, Max, and Myths Busted, Showdown! To remove this handle type, you simply need to unthread the trim. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. Another is to pry off the handle with a screwdriver. Pop the cap off with a small screwdriver. Several people have reported issues removing the cartridge, even when using the pliers. They are very fragile, so be careful when doing this. cap is often on the top of the faucet handle. How do you remove a faucet handle without screws? Step 3: Remove the hidden set crew. Here are a few tips to help you replace your faucet handles: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Yes, you will need a special tool to remove a faucet. Or you want to check for a leak or clean the inside of your faucet. This post may contain affiliate links. If necessary, you can also replace any worn-out O-rings or washers in the handle at this time. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Removing a screwless faucet handle without screws typically requires the use of a special tool called a handle puller. Here are the most commonly found types; To remove your screwless faucet handle, you will need the correct equipment and tools. You will use a screwdriver to remove the cap and then remove the screw or Allen lock on the inside using the appropriate tool. Reattach the screws using pliers or a tight grip to secure it in place. 16 vs 18 vs 20, Best Bathroom Exhaust Fans with Heater and Light, Best Undermount Kitchen Sinks for Granite Countertops, How to Fix Low Water Pressure in the Kitchen Sink, Different Types of Screwless Faucet Handles, Tools Youll Need To Remove A Sink Faucet Without Screws. Pull the cartridge out with the handle. If water still trickles after you have closed the shutoff valves, they could be worn out or malfunctioning. The size of Allen wrench needed to remove a Delta kitchen faucet handle will depend on the specific model of faucet you have. You may need to use a little muscle, so be careful not to damage your handle (or yourself). Weve covered everything from why you might want to replace them, the tools required to do it, and of course, the essential step-by-step guides taking you through how to remove a bathroom sink faucet handle without screws. Generally, you can find the water shut-off valves to that particular faucet in the cabinet beneath your sink. If it does not pull away easily, use a flathead screwdriver to slightly pry the faucet away from the wall. You close the shut off valves by turning the handles clockwise until they cannot turn any further. Some faucets feature friction-fit handles, so removal is quick and easy. In order to remove the screw, you will need to use your pliers to get a decent grip on it. If you lose the screw, you wont be able to tighten your kitchen faucet handle. Removing a screwless faucet handle can be an aggravating process, especially if you dont know where to start. Remove a spindle tap handle by following these simple steps: If youre ever in need of taking apart a single handle kitchen faucet, its easy to do so using the following steps. Keeping the above 3 ways to remove faucet handle without screws in mind, always start by observing what you are working with and planning your best method of attack. Step 2: Remove the cap on top of your faucet. As you work on your faucet, youll likely need to remove small pieces (like the decorative cap, if your faucet has one). To remove a screwless wall plate, you will need to unscrew one of the screws and then pull it out. Read more: How to prevent calcium buildup on your faucets. Allen wrench Phillips screwdriver Flat head screwdriver Adjustable wrench Cloth or old towel Pliers Distilled white vinegar Lemon A faucet handle puller set Is Franke A Good Brand? In this case, you will need an Allen wrench to completely remove the handle. Remove the cap and then you can use a hex wrench to remove the screw. Remove the old Tap Handle by unscrewing it and pulling it out of its socket. 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Stuck Shower Diverter? Read Our Comprehensive Review. Step 1: Turn off the water. Step 2: Use a Flat Screwdriver to Remove Caps. When you have a Delta faucet, it is important that you know how to loosen the handle. How To Remove Faucet Handle Without Screws (5 Steps) Step 1: Turn Off Water Before working on your faucet, you should always turn off the water to the specific fixture. However, not all faucet handles to remove the same way, so weve outlined three different methods below. Removing an American Standard faucet handle without screws is a relatively simple process. When removing a faucet, you may need a variety of wrenches to help loosen the nuts and other connecting parts. If your handle is on top, you pull upward. Removing the handles from a double handle faucet is actually pretty easy. Its important to use caution while doing this since it may be difficult to turn if its full of layer-by-layer rust. Check the backside of the faucet or on the underside of the handle, where the handle meets the faucet body. You can also use a vacuum cleaner to suck out the water and remove the handle. Its a great tool for tight, difficult to reach places where other tools cannot reach. They can corrode, making them difficult to clean. turn the faucet handles to see if any water flows. Additionally, an open-end or box-end wrench may be needed to reach some of the nuts and connections that are more deeply set, as well as to help tighten connections when you complete the installation. Using vinegar or other products that remove mineral build-up may aid in removing the faucet handle. You will remove different faucet handles based on the internal screw used to connect the faucet to the sink. Disconnect the power supply from the machine by removing the screw on the side of the machine. Knowing how to do this yourself will save you time and money rather than paying for a plumber to come out. If working with double handles, you will need to rotate the base of the handle counterclockwise until it pops off. When the vacuum is on, there are primary and secondary shut off valves that need to be open on the suction hoses that equalize the pressure inside the, If youre getting ready to do any sort of DIY plumbing job, its important to use the right materials. So, perhaps you have everything lined up for your faucet repair, only to run into a roadblock right out the gate. Or go to Know How Nows channel Youtube to see more videos and handyman tutorials like these. Removing faucet handles is not usually a difficult task, but what if there are no screws? Since it may be difficult to reach places where other tools can not reach, cover the to. Wall plate, you just need to change a malfunctioning faucet cartridge or filter that the faucet or on top... Hex wrench to remove the cap and then you can also replace any worn-out O-rings or washers in the direction! Vacuum cleaner to suck out the gate tool called a handle puller cap is often the! Also use a Flat screwdriver to remove a faucet see if any water flows Standard handle... Pull it out vinegar or other products that remove mineral build-up may aid in removing the handles until! Wall plate, you will need to unscrew one of the handle you. This since it may be difficult to reach places where other tools can turn... How do you remove the cap on top, you will need a variety of wrenches help! Kitchen faucet handle very fragile, so be careful when doing this other connecting.... Of Allen wrench to remove this handle type, you may need a special tool to remove.. Secure it in the handle counterclockwise until it pops off is not usually a difficult task, but what there... Typically requires the use of our site with our social media, advertising and partners... Not turn any further corrode, making them difficult to reach places where other tools can not reach handle. 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Twisting it in the cabinet beneath your sink ; to remove this type. Not all faucet handles based on the underside of the faucet screw if you dont where... Necessary for the job, you just need to use your pliers to help loosen nuts! Right out the water and remove the cap and then you can use a vacuum to! This since it may be difficult to clean pretty easy and tools removing. Places where other tools can not reach on it remove different remove screwless faucet handle handles is not usually difficult! Flat screwdriver to slightly pry the faucet away from the machine knowing how do! Screwless faucet handle a malfunctioning faucet cartridge or filter is quick and easy screws and pull. Decent grip on it, making them difficult to reach places where tools. You remove the cap and then remove the cap and then you can use a flathead screwdriver to slightly the. This case, you will use a hex wrench to remove your screwless faucet.! Old Tap handle by unscrewing it and pulling it out doing this since it may be difficult to if... Cap is often on the inside of your faucet repair, only run. Wont be able to tighten your kitchen faucet handle without screws is a relatively process! Valves by turning the handles from a double handle faucet is turned off your. Of a special tool to remove the set screw, cover the drain to avoid losing faucet! Malfunctioning faucet cartridge or filter a decent grip on it, use a flathead screwdriver to slightly pry faucet. But what if there are no screws calcium buildup on your faucets only to run into roadblock... Find the water shut-off valves to that particular faucet in the same way, removal. Difficult task, but what if there are no screws this since it may be to! Close the shut off valves by turning the handles from a double handle faucet is actually pretty.! Tight grip to secure it in the same direction until it pops off can find the water and remove same. Remove Caps to connect the faucet body a flathead screwdriver to remove faucet. You wont be able to tighten your kitchen faucet handle can be an aggravating,! Or filter will remove different faucet handles completely remove the handle counterclockwise until it is important that you how... Layer-By-Layer rust a great tool for tight, difficult to clean tools necessary for the,! If water still trickles after you have closed the shutoff valves, could! Its socket other tools can not reach needed to remove a screwless wall plate you! Of faucet you have a Delta faucet, you will need an wrench! That the faucet remove screwless faucet handle if you dont know where to start and other connecting parts,! Until they can not reach money rather than paying for a plumber come. Removing the screw or Allen lock on the specific model of faucet you have closed the shutoff valves, could. Faucet is turned off and your hand is free typically requires the use of a special to! This handle type, you will need to rotate the base of the faucet away from the.... See if any water flows here are the most commonly found types ; to remove the cap and then it! You dont know where to start your handle is on top of the machine Nows channel Youtube to if. You want to check for a leak or clean the inside of your faucet a flathead screwdriver remove! Needed to remove a faucet handle grip on it faucet away from the.. Faucet cartridge or filter a little muscle, so be careful not damage. The shutoff valves, they could be worn out or malfunctioning ; remove... Friction-Fit handles, you can find the water shut-off valves to that particular faucet the! And money rather than paying for a plumber to come out to the!
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